Reading Room: Swarms
Papers: Delanda M_Leach N_The Limits of Urban Simulation_interview (pdf) Leach N_Swarm Urbanism (pdf) Miranda P_2000_Swarm Modelling_The use of Swarm Intelligence to generate Architectural Form (pdf) Ramos, Almeida_Artificial Ant Colonies in Digital Image Habitats – A Mass Behaviour Effect Study on Pattern Recognition (pdf) Ramos, V (2003) Self-organizing the Abstract: Canvas as a Swarm Habitat for Collective Memory, Perception and Cooperative Creativity (pdf) Oosterhuis K_Swarm Architecture I (pdf) Videos:
This short computer animation from 1988 contains a collection of dream sequences created using 3D particle systems techniques. Behavior rules are applied to thousands of individual particles to model complex phenomena such as an explosion, a snowstorm, a tumultuous head, and a waterfall. A Connection Machine CM-2 computer was used to perform physical simulations on thousands of particles simultaneously, one processor for each particle. AS3 Motion Tracking from Justin Windle on Vimeo. A demo of simple motion detection and tracking in AS3, used to control a swarm simulation. This piece was originally installed in a gallery space where the movement of visitors influenced the ever-changing generative composition. 'Swarm Light' by rAndom International / Design Miami / Art Basel 2010 from rAndom International on Vimeo.